PyTorch bits



Tensor operations in PyTorch: the rules for what happens depending on the size of the input tensors to torch.matmul is found here. See also the explanation at the NumPy docs.

Selecting multiple rows/columns

Say you want to apply a given permutation perm to a 2D tensor A. In PyTorch you do


while in Julia you would simply do


The torch_scatter package

It’s a small auxiliary package (docs here) to perform operations on tensors based on which group each element belongs to.

Example: the way PyTorch Geometric combines GNNs together in a batch is to make a huge adjacency matrix and concatenating vector of features. Say you have a long vector of node features and another of the same length which keeps track of which indices refer to which graph in the batch: then passing the second vector to scatter_* will perform operation * to each group, returning a vector of length equal to the number of batches.


torch.ones_like(A): used to construct a tensor full of 1s of the same size of the input argument.



PyTorch’s torch.Tensor.view(*size) method accepts -1 as (at most) one of the provided dimensions to be inferred. Example: x.view(-1) returns a flattened version of x, whatever the original size.


torch.chunk==torch.Tensor.chunk splits a big array into chunks. Useful when you need to do linalg (matmul) operations on a set of matrices: first stack them together, then perform the operation which takes advantage of parallelism, fast underlying code etc. Finally retrieve each part using chunk.


Apparently it’s a good habit to wrap pairs of (conv_layer, relu_layer) in a torch.nn.Sequential object, to keep things tidy and debug dimension inconsistencies.


To retreive the content of a tensor with one element, use Tensor.item()

Storage viewer

The bare content of a torch.Tensor can be inspected via tensor.untyped_storage. For instance, when PyTorch expands a tensor for broadcasting, it will behave as the same row repeated three times, but that row is stored in memory only once.


PyTorch has a stride method for tensors:

stride(dim) -> tuple or int
Returns the stride of :attr:self tensor.
Stride is the jump necessary to go from one element to the next one in the specified dimension :attr:dim. A tuple of all strides is returned when no argument is passed in.

Use of ellipsis ...

When indexing a tensor, can use ellipsis ... to indicate “all preceding/subsequent dimensions”


The way PyTorch does backprop is by storing inputs and outputs at the time of the call to each intermediate function. The backward step is then computed by using those values.

To define custom differentiable functions, write a class for the function, inheriting from torch.autograd.Function.

Tensor dimensions

When dealing with tensors in pytorch, one could in principle decide arbitrarily how to organize the dimensions: channels, batch index, row, col. What is the preferred order? NCHW format: batch index, channel, row, col.

Torch Dataset

A custom Dataset class must implement three functions: __init__, __len__, and __getitem__.

Float precision

Use torch.Tensor.half to convert a tensor to half precision, much faster on a GPU.